
What is the use of conductive coating?_Company news_News_Nan xiang shielding coating
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What is the use of conductive coating?


The main uses of conductive coatings are as follows:


1. It can be used to protect the space near the antenna, radio station, television station, transmission network or line of the mobiles communication system;


2. In stores, laboratories, national defense and research facilities, wireless network data can be prevented from being intercepted (data stealing), and conference rooms or offices can be protected;


3. Protect radar radiation in military facilities or airports;


4. It can prevent incorrect measurement of patients in medical treatment;


5. Protect confidential areas and R & D departments in industry;


6. Block unauthorized non mobiles phones calls in prison;


7. It can also be used in data center, technology area, school, children's room, hotel room, hospital area, recording studio, library, church, etc.
